Music Resources
‘It should probably go without saying that we study music in Lutheran schools because Luther was a strong proponent of music in general and hymn singing in specific. Luther said: “I place music next to theology and give it the highest praise.” Luther not only played musical instruments (lute and flute), but he sang tenor and wrote many hymn texts and music to accompany them; the most famous of which is A Might Fortress Is Our God. It is no wonder that the Lutheran Church is nicknamed, “The Singing Church.”’
Jeff Burkhart, 2022, “Using Hymns to Teach the Faith”, Lutheran Education Association

We value music in Lutheran learning communities, recognising that music and singing are wonderful sources of joy and comfort, and a great way to learn and share our faith.
In devotions, we often include a song to help learners connect to the central ideas of Bible stories/texts and to praise God. Devotions are a great time to learn favourite songs and hymns. While some music can be used purely for reflection, singing is strongly encouraged.
Music is an important part of worship. Depending on how much time is available, learning communities often include at least two songs. Typically, one of these will be a song of praise, and to and one will connect to the Bible reading/message for the day.
Music has a major impact on the mood of worship. You may like to consider having music playing as students enter worship, and as they leave. Quiet reflective music could play during times of silent prayer.
There are many styles of music. Depending on your context, and age band, you may like to include action songs or music for dancing, contemporary worship music, classic kids’ Sunday school songs or some traditional hymns and other ‘Lutheran classics’ such as favourites from the All Together songbooks. Whatever music you choose, make sure that the lyrics proclaim the gospel and give glory to God.
Many schools have choirs, bands and instrumental music programs. It is wonderful to include these students in the music for worship. Try not to make the use of music in worship a performance – worship is about what God is doing. Encourage all students to sing and enjoy the music – after all, we are told to “make a joyful noise to the Lord” – not necessarily a perfectly tuneful one!
The Bible Story Resources on this site include music suggestions for each age band. You will also find some on the Seasonal Resources page.
LCA Worship Planning Page has a video and fact sheet on Music in Worship on its Learn page which may be helpful in helping music leaders and musicians understand more about music in worship.

Action Songs
There are some great video clips available to teach students actions or dance moves to go with worship songs. In addition to those listed here, many of the bands and groups listed under Contemporary Music also have some action videos.
Once students know a few action songs, encourage them to make up their own moves. Not only does this give them a sense of purpose and accomplishment, choreographing actions require deep listening to the meaning of the lyrics.
Allstars Kids Club pre-school and primary playlists
Contemporary Music
There are lots of great contemporary Christian musical performers. here are a few favourites.
Early Years
Big Big Worship (The Lads)
Colin Buchanan
Bethel Kids
Hillsong Kids
Kids Version
Emu Music
Rend Collective
Colin Buchanan – Colin has some great Christian music for adults
Hillsong Worship
The Porter’s Gate
Sandra McCracken
Keith and Kristyn Getty
Word to Worship: Find contemporary worship songs based on Bible texts and Lectionary Calendar
Song Select: catalogues CCLI licensed music. You can search for more contemporary songs by theme. If your community has a paid subscription you can also download sheet music and other resources.

Sharing our musical heritage
The Lutheran Church has a rich musical heritage, and learning some of the classic hymns and songs helps connect students to the community of believers through the ages.
Many hymns have beautiful and meaningful lyrics, and there are some wonderful arrangements by contemporary artists which may help make traditional music more accessible.
Hymn Resources
Some classic hymns to learn
From the Lutheran Hymnal (LH). Modern arrangements are also linked.
- What a friend we have in Jesus (LH 426) OR
- Jesus Shall Reign (LH 219) OR Jesus Shall Reign – Keith & Kristyn Getty
- A Mighty Fortress (LH 195) 195 – A Mighty Fortress is Our God
HymnSing OR A Mighty Fortress is Our God -Sovereign Grace - The Lord’s My Shepherd (LH 387) OR Psalm 23 (The Lord’s My Shepherd) – New Scottish Hymns
- Holy, Holy, Holy (LH 140) OR Holy, Holy, Holy – Emu Music OR Holy, Holy, Holy – Audrey Assad
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives (LH 103)
- Breathe on Me, Breath of God (LH 129)
- Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us (LH 397)
- Jesus Loves Me This I Know (LH 609)
- Just As I Am (LH 335) OR Just As I Am, without One Plea – Koine
- Praise to the Lord (LH 442) OR Praise To The Lord – Emu Music
- Amazing Grace (LH 851) OR
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (LH 306) OR I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say – Emu Music
- Jesus Christ is Risen Today (LH 88) OR 88 Jesus Christ is risen today – HymnSing
- Blessed Jesus At Your Word (LH 500)
- Take My Life and Let It Be (LH 377) OR Take My Life – Chris Tomlin
- Now Thank We All Our God (LH 437)
- All Creatures of Our God and King (LH 429)
- To God Be The Glory (LH 793) OR
- O Come O Come Immanuel (LH 2) OR for KING + COUNTRY- O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- Come Down O Love Divine (LH 119) OR Come Down O Love Divine – Fernando Ortega
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (LH 54) OR When I Survey The Wondrous Cross – Keith & Kristyn Getty
- Eternal Father Strong to Save (LH 578)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (LH 467) OR For the Beauty of the Earth | Reawaken Hymns
- Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven (LH 465) 465 – Praise my Soul, the King of Heaven – HymnSing
- All People That On Earth Do Dwell (LH 433) OR All People That On Earth Do Dwell – Emu Music
- God Has Spoken By His Prophets (LH 822)
- Be Still and Know That I Am God (LH 885)
- Come Lord Come (LH 731) OR 731 – Come, Lord Jesus, come – HymnSing
Christmas Carols
- Angels from the Realms of Glory (LH 46)
- Joy to the World (LH 627) OR Joy To The World – Emu Music OR 627 – Joy to the world – HymnSing
- O Come All Ye Faithful (LH 34) OR
O Come All Ye Faithful – Emu Music - Of the Father’s Love Begotten (LH 21) OR Of the Father’s Love Begotten – Fernando Ortega
- Once in Royal David’s City (LH 632)
- Silent Night (LH 629)
- It is well with my soul OR It Is Well With My Soul – Emu Music
The Stories Behind the Hymns
Learning about the story behind hymns can make a fascinating study for worship or devotions. Search for the stories behind the following hymns:
- It is Well With My Soul
- Amazing Grace
- A Mighty Fortress
- Silent Night
- What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Resources for Hymn Stories
Hymnal TV
Worship 101 – Hymn Stories with Lyrics
All Together
There are some classic Australian songs from the last 50 years which you may also like to include in worship. These include work by Robin Mann, Aub Podlich, Chris Jaensch and many others. These were published in the All Together songbooks.
Some favourites include:
- O Father, my Father I Call On Your Name
- A New Commandment
- This is the Day
- May The Feet of God
- One Family We’re Together
- Father Welcomes All His Children
- When This Earth Was Created
- I Danced in the Morning
Classic Children’s Bible Songs
Sunday School songs are classics for a reason. Why not include some of these:
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp
- Jesus Loves Me This I know
- He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
- It only takes a spark
- Kumbaya
The LCA Worship Planning Page has a number of music resources for the Lutheran Hymnal and the All Together song books, including indexes which you can search title, scriptural reference or the lectionary calendar. You can also find modernised hymn lyrics and a downloadable hymn database with free backing tracks and lyric PPTs.
Singing the liturgy
A great way to introduce more music into devotions or worship is to sing some of the liturgy (the prayers and other repeated parts of the service).
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer – Hillsong Worship
The Lord’s Prayer | Christian Kids Worship (Our Father) – Allstars Kids Club
Apostle’s Creed
The Blessing – Elevation Worship – ft. Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow (LH 642)
Glory be to God the Father (LH 643)
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (LH 645)
To God, the Father, Son (LH 647)

Music for reflection
Sometimes we need to take a breath, and create space to listen to God, and to process strong emotions. Playing a slower-paced song can help create a more reflective mood for individual prayer.
Some songs and accompanying videos may be full of meaning but difficult for a group to sing. You may like to invite students to sit and listen quietly as you play this kind of song.
Some examples:
Wood and Nails – The Porter’s Gate – (feat. Audrey Assad & Josh Garrels)